Suture retention device
The LockeT device offers a cost-effective solution for access site closure with suture retention, ensuring efficient hemostasis while prioritizing patient comfort. Compact and user friendly, LockeT simplifies the closure process, making it easy to monitor, adjust and remove as needed.
Benefits of LockeT
Suitable for a wide range of catheter sizes up to 27F
Same day discharge from the hospital
Patient Comfort
Close multiple adjacent access sites with one device
98% hemostasis 2 hours after removal of the device
LockeT is a safe and effective suture retention device that is used in conjunction with a figure-of-eight suture to achieve hemostasis after access.

How it Works
In the Lab

Step 1:
Create a standard figure of eight and remove sheaths. Clean site via standard protocol.

Step 2:
Tighten and place sutures in LockeT.

Step 3:
Apply pressure and rotate the handle 90°.
In Recovery

Step 4:
Observe hemostasis. Follow regular protocol.

Step 5:
When ready to discharge, unlock the LockeT by releasing the handle.

Step 6:
Cut the sutures and remove from the access site.